The program of the competition of documentary films included 39 films, among which are the works by famous documentary film makers.
Matanghi / Maya / by M.I.A by Steve Loveridge will open Beat Weekend in Kazan.
Nevertheless, Tatarstan has a lot of work to do in digitizing books and documents.
The tradition of planting nominal trees was laid by the Philharmonic on October 30, 2015 to perpetuate the names of famous creators.
The central theme of the seminar is “Museums as a resource for development of the tourism and recreation sector.”.
In the story, once a popular actor, and now a performer of the role of a Roman legionary in a resort attraction, Alexander Khristoforov lives one day: in his life he spoiled everything he could.
Annual Open Republican Television Festival of Creativity by young workers will be held. 40 organizations and enterprises from 10 municipal regions of the Republic.
The exhibition will feature 21 works by the winners of almost all the contests that the IRCICA.
The interactive science tale "The Adventures of the Little Mole" is a through the world of chemistr.
In the season 2018/2019, the S.Saydashev State Grand Concert Hall invites viewers to the following subscription programs.