Smart Sunday at the Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan

4 October 2018, Thursday

October 7 and 14, 2018, beginning at 13.00 at the Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan a scientific tale "The Adventures of the Little Mole" will be held.

The interactive science tale "The Adventures of the Little Mole" is a journey through the world of chemistry, where every child will feel like a real scientist. Candidate of Chemical Sciences Arkady Kuramshin will answer the questions of the small “whyers” and tell from what everything is arranged.

One molecule is not a warrior in the field. But a lot of molecules ... it's MOLE! Mole is not only a voracious cunning insect, but a great chemical force!

How does a chemical mole differ from an insect, and why is the holiday - the Day of Mole celebrated in many countries of the world?

Who were the most famous scientists of antiquity?

How did they try to determine the properties of metals and minerals?

Why were the planets named after gods?

And how, finally, did the European scientists deal with all this heritage?

On the show you will not only learn a lot of interesting facts, but also take part in cool chemical experiments!

Arkady Kuramshin - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of KFU, radio host of popular science on Bim Radio and GTRK Tatarstan, author of the book "The Life of Remarkable Substances".

Contact person: PR-manager of the laboratory “Naturally, Science” Elena Vakhrusheva +7 (908) 3-40-15-18

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