June 27 will be a holiday of Udmurt culture "Gyron Bydton"

26 June 2020, Friday

This year, due to the pandemic, the event will be held online for the first time. The guests of the holiday will enjoy a fascinating journey into the world of customs, rituals, folk beliefs and fun. The extensive program includes exhibitions, games, contests, master classes and excursions. The decoration of the series of events will be performances by folklore groups of municipalities of our republic.

The work of the sites by age is also planned: for children - with participants in the Republican competition of Udmurt culture for children “Mudorvay; youth - with participants in the BiHerd forum of Udmurt youth.

On the eve of the holiday, the organizers launched a series of daily online events on social networks, official portals and on the ZOOM site with the mandatory hashtag # ГЫРОНБЫДТОН2020: / file / mincult / File / Гiron Bydton 2020 program.docx

The program of the holiday on June 27: / file / mincult / File / The program on June 27.doc

Contact person for the media: Elvina Zulfatovna Yakupova 8 917 282 46 78

Information: for more than 20 years in the Republic of Tatarstan, the main holiday of the Udmurt culture - "Gyron Bydton" has been held on a republican scale.


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