Congratulation of Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan I.Kh. Ayupova on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the TASSR

27 May 2020, Wednesday

I heartily congratulate all the residents of our republic on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic!

May 27, 1920 became an important reference point in the history of the statehood of Tatarstan. On this day, the Decree on the formation of the TASSR was signed, the territory and the state and legal foundations of the republic were determined. Soviet Tatarstan became one of the first subjects of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, serving as an example of the formation of autonomy for other peoples of our multinational country.

The formation of the Tatar ASSR was of great historical significance for the entire population of the republic and for the Tatar people in particular. After difficult turns of history and long-term aspirations, the multinational people of our region received new opportunities for socio-economic achievements and cultural development.

The Republic of Tatarstan is one of the most dynamic, interesting, attractive regions of the Russian Federation. Our republic has large-scale tasks and great prospects, and its residents have high potential for self-realization and the embodiment of good intentions and ideas.

Today is a special day for everyone who has invested a piece of his own soul, his knowledge and work in the formation and development of his native land. Together we write the history of our republic. Time does not stand still, every year is a new chapter of the book, which is filled with significant events, and each generation has contributed to them. Our common task is not only to preserve, but also to increase the achievements of our ancestors, to continue their traditions.

I heartily congratulate everyone who was born and raised in the Republic of Tatarstan, who came here to build their lives, all those who work in the name of its prosperity.


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