Tchistopolsky State Museum-Reserve announces the start of the annual competition for the best performance of works by Boris Pasternak's "The purpose of art – self-giving!", dedicated to 127 anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian writer, poet, translator and one of the greatest poets of the XX century.
Contest organizers: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, GBUK "Tchistopolsky State Historical-Architectural and Literary Museum-Reserve". Subject:. "The Silver Age of Russian poetry"
Participants will be judged in two categories: "artistic expression" (performance of works by the Silver Age poets with a brief curriculum vitae) and "Literary-musical composition" (poetry, prose, memoirs, letters, biographical sketches, videos, music).
Application for participation must be submitted before February 1, Memorial Museum of Boris Pasternak by phone / fax: 8 (84342) 5-42-65 or by e-mail Museum: