July 22, 2014, at 16.00, the National Gallery of Art "Khazine" opens an exhibition "From the wanderings ..." watercolors by Ravil Aidarov
Ravil Sayyarovich Aidarov, Honored architect of the Republic of Tatarstan, a candidate architecture, studying for many years the wooden architecture of Kazan, has created a series of watercolor "Wooden houses of old Kazan", which in 2012 was exhibited with great success in the gallery "Khazine", and in 2013 was reproduced in a book by R. Aidarov "Wooden house Kazan XIX - early XX century watercolors and graphics."
The exhibition "From distant wanderings ..." represents a new stage of the artist. The main theme of the eleven hundred presented to a Kazan viewer watercolor sheets - impressions from travels around the world. Experience, for the most part, are of the architectural character: in watercolors construction of architects of different ages and nations have been imprinted : Egypt pyramids and temples of the Acropolis of Athens, the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and the Statue of Liberty in New - York, bridges of Venice and the Roman Colosseum, the Taj Mahal in India. In a kaleidoscope architectural images of objects come across as easily recognizable, so the unique, even unusual, for example, "House over Falling water" in Pennsylvania (USA). Professional passion of the architect and artist led R. Aidarov to a masterpiece of organic architecture, designed by American architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
Fine art of Aidarov is not limited to architectural motifs. Considerable place in his artistic practice occupy a traditional landscape that the artist, which he first presents to a wide audience. Landscapes depicting world of nature attract by a sincere emotional response expressed in exactly found color relationships.
The exhibition runs until August 24.
Press service Ministry of Culture of Tatarstan, according to the press service of the museum