The  children's art school opened in Bolgar after a major overhaul

23 November 2020, Monday

The building of the school of arts, constructed   in the early 90s, has been renovated in parts since that time: in different years, the interior was improved here, plastic windows were installed. And now, for the first time in thirty years, thanks to the national project "Culture", the institution got the opportunity to completely renew itself.

Now the renovated school pleases pupils and teachers with a colorful facade. Here, the walls were insulated and the walls were laid out with colorful ceramic tiles, and the roof was completely renewed. The main part of the funds allocated within the framework of the national project "Culture" was spent on external repairs.

Inside, the interior has also changed: the corridors and classrooms have been updated. The renovation was carried out using modern energy-saving materials. The heating system was made of polypropylene pipes,aluminum radiators were installed.

The school also has an additional bathroom and laundry. The premises of the school library were significantly expanded, which was moved from the second floor to the first.

There are also plans to renovate the front lobby and the wardrobe room, landscaping the area where there will be a recreation area, replacement of the fence and much more.


The educational process in the institution is based on individual lessons (piano, button accordion), where the abilities of each child are taken into account and the development of their versatile giftedness is ensured, theconditions for a personality-oriented approach to learning are implemented.

Along with  individual form of education, there are group lessons in the subjects of the musical-theoretical cycle: solfeggio, musical literature, rhythmics, collective playing music. Group forms of training are the main ones in the choreographic, art, and theater departments.

A special success of the school is the opening of a department of general early aesthetic education for children (5-6 years old). In the classroom with preschoolers, they are prepared for admission to the first grades of all departments of the school, since the curriculum of this department includes the following disciplines: music, playing music (playing the simplest musical instruments), rhythm, drawing, speech development, the alphabet of the theater, and within subject of choice musical instrument piano and English. 320 childrenstudyhere.

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