The Kazan Kremlin Museum-Reserve is the winner of the Common Business contest of the Vladimir Potanin Charity Fund

3 June 2020, Wednesday

The Vladimir Potanin Charity Fund has summed up the results of the competition “Common cause”. The Kazan Kremlin Museum-Reserve is among the winners of the competition in the nomination “Museums. The culture. New form".

The aim of the contest is to help the non-profit sector and the cultural sector to overcome the current crisis and successfully switch to new formats of work.

The competition “Common cause” was held in two categories - “NPO. Edgily Technology ”, including treatment and rehabilitation directions for various health restrictions, assistance to children left without parents, elderly people and everyone who is in a difficult life situation, and  “ Museums. The culture. A new form ”, including the activities of museums, theaters, educational centers, circus theaters, libraries, associations of musicians and sculptors.

In total, 309 applications from 59 regions of the Russian Federation were received to participate in the contest. 40 independent experts were involved in the evaluation of applications - highly qualified specialists from the non-profit and cultural sectors from 16 regions of the country. The winners of the competition became  32 institutions.

Full information on the results of the competition can be found on the official website of the Vladimir Potanin Charity Fund -

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