August 20, at 11.00 in the House-Museum of V.I. Lenin the descendants of relatives VI. Ulyanov-Lenin on the line of his mother's sister - Lyubov Alexandrovna Ardasheva-Ponomareva will meet.
The Ardashev’s family played a major role in preserving the memory of the outstanding personality of the twentieth century, one of the most significant political figures of our time. Ardashevs lived in Kazan and took the most vivid part in the creation of the Ulyanov-Lenin house-museum and the museum in Kokushkino. Thanks to them, an invaluable museum collection of memorial items was filled.
The families of the Ulyanovs and Ardashevs were closely related. In 1887 Lyubov Alexandrovna vouchsafed for exiled Anna and Vladimir Ulyanov in Kokushkino, and her son Alexander Ardashev in 1888 took Vladimir Ulyanov to the Kazan chess club. Another son, a student at the St. Petersburg University, Vladimir Ardashev, assisted Ulyanov in preparing for the passing of external examinations at the law faculty course - he reported information about the requirements, and subscribed to necessary books.
Representatives of the museum community and the general public are invited to the meeting. Among the guests of honor: Basova Irina Mikhailovna, Karchevskaya Natalya Nikolaevna - great-uncle's great-niece of V.I. Lenin; Karchevsky Dmitry Konstantinovich - great-uncle's great-nephew of V.I. Lenin.
In a programme:
- laying Alley of Memory in the museum garden;
- presentation of an exhibition of memorial items donated by representatives of the Ardashev family in different years;
- donation of original items from the estate of L.N. Tolstoy.
Phone: the press service of the NM RT - (843) 292-32-18