From August 4 to 6, 2017, the X All-Russian Spassky Fair will be held in the city of Yelabuga.
According to the established tradition, the fair is held on the territory of the protected part of Yelabuga in the area of Shishkinsky ponds, the stadium "Molodyozhny" and the historical part of the city.
It will feature jewelry, national costumes, down products, wood painting, artistic weaving, ceramics, gzhel, artistic leather processing, patchwork and dolls, chasing, engraving, metal painting, metal laces, bast products, glassware , vines and much more. In the "City of Masters" for all comers will be organized master classes to make souvenirs with their own hands. Also, at the fair the products of agricultural enterprises and processing industry will be widely represented.
The mood will be raised by professional artists and folklore groups.
For the first time this year, the Street of Museums of the Republic of Tatarstan will work at the Spassky Fair, the Festival of Family Estates of Russia will take place. And the smallest visitors, most likely, will like the Festival of water lanterns.