Fine arts and crafts of the Kyrgyz Republic

20 June 2017, Tuesday

June 23, 2017б at 15.00б at the National Art Gallery "Hazine" of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan within the framework of the Days of Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Republic of Tatarstan an exhibition of artists of the Kyrgyz Republic will be held.

The exhibition presents the best paintings of the last years of famous artists of Kyrgyzstan, who work in different style directions. The works of folk artists of the Kyrgyz Republic by Yu. Shygaev, B. Sheraliev, A. Jumabekov, honored cultural workers of the Kyrgyz Republic A. Bayterekov and S. Torobekov, K. Bekov and other masters reflect the surrounding world, spiritual and cultural life of the republic.

A special place at the exhibition is a collection of arts and crafts. The decorative and applied art created by the Kyrgyz people is original and diverse, combining practical, utilitarian value and rich artistic design of objects. The main visual means are color and ornament. The exhibition features patterned pile carpets - kilemas and felt carpets - shirdaks from remote depths of Kyrgyzstan, as well as works of felt art by honored cultural workers of the Kyrgyz Republic, professional artists R. Akmatova, F. Sheysheyeva and A. Baiterekova. Great place among the domestic crafts of the Kyrgyz people is weaving and artistic processing of the skin. The exhibition features tapestries and works by  skin  artists Zh. Zholdoshbaeva, E. Temirkanov, S. Soronbaev, and others.

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