The Program of XXXIII International Opera Festival named after F.I. Shaliapin in Kazan goes on. February 13, on the 142d anniversary of the birth of Fyodor Ivanovich, the opera "Boris Godunov" by M. Mussorgsky takes place on the stage of the M. Jalil Tatar State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre.
The party of tzar Boris was one of the brightest in the works by Fyodor Shaliapin. Contemporaries of singer always were fascinated by the performance of the party by Shaliapin, newspapers wrote about the a runaway success of bass: "Beginning from makeup and ending by each posture, each musical tone, was something startlingly vivid, distinct, bright" (newspaper "Russian Gazette" 1898) .
In today's performance, in a title role will feature one of the world's best performers of Boris Godunov, a soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia M. Jalil TASTOiB Mikhail Kazakov. Two more famous basses participate in the opera - Alexey Tikhomirov (Bolshoi Theatre of Russia, the Helikon Opera) as Pimen, Mikhail Svetlov- Krutikov (Metropolitan Opera) in party of Varlaam, Marina Mnishek performs a soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia Agunda Kulaeva, as the Impostor - Artem Golubev (Primorsky Theatre of Opera and Ballet). The conductor, maestro of Moscow Novaya Opera named after E.Kolobov Vasily Valitov.
Press Service of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan