March 21, 2014 at 14.00, at the Literary G. Tukai Museum a literary and poetic soiree "Poetry without Borders", dedicated to the International Day of Poetry is to be held.
A fete , devoted to poetry is held in the museum not the first time, but the soiree held this year is unique. The attention will be focused on poetry improvisation, poetic dialogue. Improvisation - a work of art that is created during performing process. Improvisation is possible in poetry, music , dance, theater arts , etc. Some of the Turkic peoples poetic improvisations are very popular and continues to live in the tradition. For example, Kirghiz this genre called Aitys and Bashkirs - aytysh.
World Poetry Day was decided to celebrate in the year 1999 at the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference. First World Poetry Day was held in Paris where the headquarters of this international organization is located. "Poetry , - says the decision of UNESCO - could be the answer to the most acute and profound spiritual questions of modern man - but it is necessary to bring it to the widest possible public attention."
The representatives of the modern poetic art of Tatarstan will presented Naziba Safina, Fairuza Muslimova, Gulzada Bayramova, Ilsiyar Iksanova, Yulduz Sharapova , Sania Akhmetzyanova, Gulnur Kurbanova Tanchulpan , Khalisa Shearman, Rifat Salakh, Laysan Fatkhutdinova.
Press service Ministry of Culture of Tatarstan