Animated cartoons, short films and computer games in Tatar are accepted for participation. The participants of the film festival can be both individual groups and individuals-authors aged from 7 to 17 years. If the work is done by a team, the average age of the participants will be taken into account. Qualifying rounds will run from November 1, 2020 to January 30, 2021. The district stages will be held in three zones, followed by the semi-final. The final of the festival is scheduled for April 26 in Kazan.
The main goal of “Milli Mult” fest is the preservation of the Tatar language, the development of spectator culture and the promotion of the enrichment of the spiritual, intellectual and creative spheres of children and adolescents through the production of animation, short feature films and computer games.
The works submitted for the competition will be judged by members of the jury, which will include screenwriters, directors, cameramen and film critics. For the first place there is a prize of 100,000 rubles, for the second - 70,000 rubles and for the third - 50,000 rubles.
All entries must be in Tatar. Films are accepted in the following formats: DVD, mkv, mp4, avi by email: Detailed information can be found on the website
Contacts: Landysh Garifullina +7 (953) 999-36-75