Having considered the works nominated for the State Award of the Republic of Tatarstan named after Gabdulla Tukai in 2020, the Commission under President of the Republic of Tatarstan on State Prizes of the Republic of Tatarstan named after Gabdulla Tukai decided to nominate the following candidates for a comprehensive discussion:
1. Khamidullin Liron Khaidarovich
for the books “Dardmend”, “Buranly tөndә” (“On a snowy night”), “Zarnitsy on the horizon”;
2. Safin Fakil Minnemhamitovich
for the trilogy novel “Satashyp atkan tan” (“Lost Dawn”) and for the novel “Gөlҗiһan” (“Guldzhikhan”);
3. Mustafin Shaginur Sapievich
for the triptych from the books: “Yadrlәrne ретretkәn yorkәlkr” (“Hearts that melted the iron”), “Alar - Zhulil - Kormash yoldyzlygynnan! ..” (“They are from the constellation of the Immortals!”), “Batyrlyk of Kytzavaz” ( );
4. Gizzatullina Fleur Sabirzyanovna
for the books “Janu deverländә” (“In the Flame of Ages”), “Baskaemda - Children of the World” (“Thoughts on the Universe”);
5. Gaffarov Gabdulakhat Abdrakhmanovich (Akhat Gaffar)
for the drama “Yazlar Mozy” (“Melodies of Springs”), the novels “Bodai burtteg tegerman tashy” (“Grain and Millstones”), “Ola yulnyң tuzany” (“Dust of the High Roads”) and “God” (“Bones”) , for the books "Durya Bashy" ("Source of the universal") and "Ukht Gaffar. Balalar is very much әkiyatlәr, hikәyaler, pesalar "(" Akhat Ghaffar. Tales, stories, plays for children ");
6. Rudenko Konstantin Aleksandrovich
for a series of books devoted to the unique collections of jewelry of the Volga Bulgaria and the Golden Horde "Bulgarian gold: filigree temporal pendants", "Bulgarian silver";
7. Osokin Denis Sergeevich
for the collection of works “Garden Scarecrows from November to March”;
8. Yakhin Farit Zakizyanovich
for the novel "Umyrzaya" ("Snowdrop");
9. Gaziev Idris Mudarisovich
for solo programs from the works of Tatar composers, folk songs;
10. Khasyanova Farida Shagimardanovna
for the promotion and development of the Tatar national culture in the visual arts for children in the illustrations for the book "Tatar folk tales" and in the graphic diptych "Childhood of Tukai";
11. Salavatov Renat Salavatovich, Alexandrov Yuri Isaakovich, Gerasimenko Victor Grigoryevich, Gatina Gulnora Rustamjonovna
for staging Rezeda Akhiyarova’s opera Syuyumbike;
12. Rameev Zufar Zainievich
for scientific research on the creative heritage of Gabdulla Tukay.