A.M. Gorky and F.I. Shalyapin - in one museum February 16, 2018, Friday

16 February 2018, Friday

A decision was made to rename the literary museum named after A.M. Gorky, which from now on will have the name: "The Museum of A.M. Gorky and F.I. Shalyapin".

Such a decision was not made by chance. The destinies of the  two great representatives of Russian culture were closely intertwined and were connected with Kazan at the beginning of the creative and life path. The funds of the Literary Museum after  A.M. Gorky have extensive valuable collections associated with Gorky and Shalyapin. In this regard, after a large-scale reconstruction of the museum's building, two equal in content expositions were opened here: "Writer - era is a hero. Life and creative path of A.M. Gorky "and" F.I. Shaliapin and Kazan. "

According to the directorate of the museum, the name change is very timely - this year marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of A.M.  Gorky and the 145th anniversary of F.I. Shalyapin.

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