Farid Mukhametshin considers the national theater one of the pillars of Tatar language preservation

28 October 2017, Saturday

On October 27,  Chairman of RT State Council Farid Mukhametshin became an honored guest at the creative evening of the Honored Artist of Tatarstan Lyucia Khamitova, which  took place at the Galiasgar Kamal Tatar State Academic Theater.

Congratulating Lyucia Khamitova on her anniversary, Farid Mukhametshin noted that she liked the Tatar audience thanks to the numerous roles created on the stage of the theater. "We, theater lovers, admire your talent, youth, variety of characters of the images you created," she said to the hero of the day. - Looking at you, and one will not guess what a jubilee: whether eighteen, or thirty, and do not think that there can be more. And the crowded hall of the Kamalovsky Theater today speaks of the love of the audience to you and of gratitude for your high art. "

According to Farid Mukhametshin, the Tatar professional theater was always famous for its artists and troupes, which faithfully served their people, being its hope and pride. "The theater is an integral part of culture, history, the whole life of the Tatars,"  head of the Tatarstan parliament emphasized. - A huge contribution to the preservation and development of the Tatar language belongs to our artists and directors. Creating unique images, serving the theater, you represent a culture of language, teach people to understand and take care of their native language. I am sure that none of those who were sitting in this room was indifferent to the situation that has developed in recent months around the topic of studying and teaching the Tatar language in schools. In this regard, I want to say that we are making every effort to preserve the state status of the Tatar language, striving for peace and tranquility in the republic. And we must admit that the Tatar theater is one of the pillars of preserving the Tatar language. "

Then Farid Mukhametshin presented Lucia Khamitova with thank-you letters and congratulatory addresses from the President of the Republic of Tatarstan,  State Adviser of the Republic of Tatarstan,  Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan and  Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Lyucia Khamitova grew up in a non-theatrical family, attended a dance class from the first grade, and dreamed about the theater from the seventh grade. In 1987 she graduated from the Kazan Theater School. During her studies she became famous, having played in the television show "Hayat" based on the story  by Fatih Amirkhan.

The first prominent role by  Lyucia Khamitova on the stage of the Kamala Theater was Zubarzhat in the play based on the play by Mustai  Karim "On the Night of the Lunar Eclipse." In 1989 she successfully performed in a memorable role of Charlie's dog in the popular children's play by  Toufan Minnullin "The Village Dog Akbai". The next starring role was the village girl Habiba in the famous "Kazan guys"  by  Mansur Gilyazov (1990) and after her the impudent, sharp Vera  in the play "Ilgizar + Vera" by Tufan Minnullin. The talent of the actress was revealed in the famous classical role of Juliet in the production by  Farid Bikchantayev "Romeo and Juliet".

The actress is involved in most productions of the Kamal Theater. She played in the plays "Idegey", "Red Mocker and His Black-haired Beauty", "Black Burka", "Gulzhamal", "Three Sisters", "Meshchan" and others.

Lucia Hamitova easily embodied not only romantic and tragic, but also characteristic roles. This is Zoyka in the play "The Register of Love" by Florida Bulyakova, the dodgy Spanish aristocrat Felisyan in the production of "Teacher of Dance" by Lope de Vega, a charming, wonderfully dancing Shuralya in the hit by  Toufan Minnullin "Dushechka". Her creative biography includes dramas and comedies of Naki Isanbet, Gayaz Iskhaki, Karim Tinchurin, Sharif Khusainov, Zulfat Khakim, Musty Karim, Tazi Gizzat.

Photo by Andrey Danilov

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