XXX International Festival of Classical Ballet starts in Kazan on May 13

12 May 2017, Friday

May 13, in Kazan,  XXX International Festival of Classical Ballet named after Rudolf Nuriev starts. The festival will traditionally take place on the stage of the Tatar Academic State Opera and Ballet Theater named after M. Jalil.

The festival poster   will be opened by  a premiere of the play "Romeo and Juliet" to music by Sergei Prokofiev. The libretto for ballet in two acts was created by  choreographer Leonid Lavrovsky,  director Sergei Radlov,  composer Sergei Prokofiev, based on  drama play by William Shakespeare. The premiere of the ballet took place in 1938 in Brno (Czechoslovakia).

The choreography of the festival performance belongs to Boris Myagkov and Vladimir Yakovlev. Production designer - Andrei Zlobin (Kiev). Costume designer is Kyevlyanka Anna Ipatieva.

In the production of 2017 in Kazan will take part: Juliet - Christina Andreeva (TASTOiB named after M. Jalil), Tais Diogenes (Brazil); Romeo - Mikhail Timaev (M. Jalil TASTOiB), Wagner Carvalho (Brazil); Mercutio - Oleg Ivenko, Artem Belov (TASTOiB named after M. Jalil); Benvolio - Alessandro Caggedji, Ayukol  Musakhanov (M.T. Jalil TASTOiB); Tybalt - Artem Belov, Anton Polodiuk (TASTOiB named after M. Jalil); Paris - Ilnur Gaifullin, Maxim Potseluiko (TASTOiB named after M. Jalil); Nurse - Diana Zaripova, Marina Beskrovna (TASTOiB named after M. Jalil); Capulet - Alina Steinberg, Aisilu Mirhafizkhan, Gleb Korablev.

May 14,  the second premiere of the show to take place.

The Nuriev’s Festival  -2017 will end with a gala concert on  May 29 and 30.

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