"Gift days" at the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan

28 March 2018, Wednesday

From   April  1 to 5, the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan holds a traditional charity event "The Days of Gifts" dedicated to the birthday of the museum.

The funds of the largest repository of monuments of the republic's material and spiritual culture, the republic's main treasury, numbering more than 900,000 items. The residents of the city can also make their contribution to the preservation of the cultural heritage and to write their name in the honorable book of donors of  RT  National museum.

During the days of the charity event, Kazaners can present  a gift  to the museum:

photographs, documents, posters, items telling about the establishment of the Tatarstan Republic, people who contributed to the development of our republic;

personal belongings, photographs and documents of outstanding figures of science and culture of our republic, book editions of both early eras and modern ones;

national clothes of peoples inhabiting Tatarstan, Russia and other countries of the world;

objects and photographs related to the history of wedding ceremonies and celebrations, the upbringing of children in the late nineteenth and first half of the twentieth century, as well as at the present stage;

objects of everyday life of the XIX - first half of the 20th centuries, military clothing, uniforms, signs of the period of the first world war and civil war.

One of the significant events of 2018 is the World Cup. This is a holiday for all Russian fans and football fans. In this regard, the National Museum of Tatarstan  plans to replenish its collections with items reflecting the sporting life in the Republic of Tatarstan.

The most interesting gifts will be presented on April 5 at the exhibition and are marked in the following nominations:

"The most ancient" is an object dating from the earliest period;

"Object-legend" - the subject with the most interesting history;

Rarity is the most unique thing;

"The object-memorial" is a memorial subject related to the life and work of the outstanding people of Tatarstan and Russia. The Great Patriotic War

The action is held at the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan and its structural subdivisions: the Museum of E.A. Boratynsky,  the Memorial Museum of the War of 1941-1945, the Museum of K. Nasyri, the Museum-Apartment of M. Jalil, the Museum of the Composer N. Zhiganov, the Literary and Memorial Museum of A.M. Gorky, the House-Museum of V.I. Lenin, the Museum of J. Kupala in  Pechshchi, the Museum of A.M. Gorky in the village. Krasnovidovo.

Summing up and awarding donors will take place on April 5 at 14.00 at  the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kremlyovskaya Street, 2).


We  request all donors to have a passport with them !!!

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